Deutsche Glasfaser: IPv6 vs. pfSense/opnSense

Dieser Eintrag wurde nach der Erstverƶffentlichung wesentlich erweitert und verƤndert.Ā AnĀ dieserĀ StelleĀ bestenĀ DankĀ anĀ SvenĀ HofackerĀ fĆ¼rĀ dasĀ gemeinsameĀ Erarbeiten einer besserenĀ Konfiguration. Wenn man statt der weit verbreiteten Fritz!Boxen (und einigen anderen Routern) eine pfSense-Installation fĆ¼r die Bereitstellung des Internetzuganges nutzen will, sind einige Punkte zu beachten. DHCPv6 oder SLAAC oder 6rd? (WAN-Seite) Da bei IPv6 im Gegensatz zu IPv4 reichlich Adressen vorhanden sind, sind keine KrĆ¼cken wie NATs vorgesehen....

August 19, 2018 Ā· 4 min Ā· Armin Jacob


Stop reloading your browser by hand anytime your css, js or template re-renders. Try using Browsersync.Ā I really started loving this tool. Everytime your sass or js gets compiled or you simply changed one thing in your template, browsersync detects the file change and simply reloads your page. One nice extra is that css is reloaded without reloading the complete page. To use it just install it via npm: npm install -g browser-sync I just created a small helper script for my Silverstripe projects, but you could simply change the folder and use it with everything else:...

August 8, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

Sniffing for Packets

tcpdump -i any tcpdump -i eth0 tcp port 80 tcpdump -i eth0 tcp port 80 or 443 tcpdump -i eth0 icmp tcpdump -i eth0 icmp6 More details Interesting blog post about tcpdump

August 1, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

Serial problems with Ubuntu?

One of my main problems while connecting to a serial device was a software called ModemManager which automatically opened a connection to my devices on plug-in. The solution was to disable or remove ModemManager since I never used one of these old dialup modems with my PCs anyways. Remove ModemManager: apt-get purge modemmanager or simply stop it: systemctl stop ModemManager

July 15, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

Docker daemon enable remote access

nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service and change ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp:// [...] and restart docker with: systemctl daemon-reload service docker restart Source: [StackOverflow][1] tested on: Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 17.10 Release: 17.10 Codename: artful Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial [1]:

April 4, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

SSH Tunnel

ssh -R 8080:localhost:80 user@publicip ssh -R remote-port:pc-in-local-network:port-on-pc-in-local-network user@publicip

April 4, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

Bash Prompt

The Bash Prompt is the text on your console before the actual command. echo $PS1 If you get displaying errors or just want a shorter prompt just use: PS1="# "

March 6, 2018 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke


Useful commands Remove dangling images docker rmi $(docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true") Update Composer Project Dependencies docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/app -v /home/anton/.ssh/:/root/.ssh composer update --ignore-platform-reqs --no-scripts echo "" > $(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' <container_name_or_id>)

December 13, 2017 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

SSH key login

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 ssh-copy-id Now login to your external server via: ssh

December 12, 2017 Ā· 1 min Ā· Anton Bracke

Webserver cluster [High Availability]

I recently wanted some kind of high availability for my private websites and applications, so I decided to setup a second server at my dads office as a failover system. Install GlusterFs for file syncing. The latest stable version for me was 3.8, but check the authors site, because GlusterFS is geeting new updates from time to time. It is recommended to use a separate partition for GlusterFS, but as I already got my setup up and runnig on the first node i am only covering the simple way....

April 3, 2017 Ā· 2 min Ā· Anton Bracke